A writer who meditates.
Lissa M. Cowan is the author of Milk Fever, a historical fiction novel (Demeter Press, Toronto) and co-translator from French of a book of poetic prose called Words That Walk in the Night (Vehicule Press, Montreal). She holds an MA in English Studies from the Université de Montréal and a post-graduate diploma in writing from the University of Victoria.
As a communications leader, Lissa spearheaded (with consultation of Elders & Community) a Canada-wide outreach campaign for a landmark fishing rights case won by five Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations, yet at the time not implemented. She has served as advisor to Terralingua to raise awareness about the protection and restoration of biocultural diversity, and is a member of the Tenàgàdino Alliance, a group working toward obtaining legal rights for the Tenàgàdino Zibi/Gatineau River.
As a writing instructor, instructional designer and editor she has developed novel writing and other courses for the University of Calgary and taught in their creative writing program. She works with emerging authors on edits to full-length books, and has lent her editorial expertise to Toyota Canada's internal magazine and a newsletter for BC Association of Social Workers (BCASW), among others.
She is the founder of themindfulwriter.org, an online community that focuses on writing as a mindfulness practice. Over 3,500 students have taken her 21 Day Writing Meditation course on DailyOM, a wellness resource accessed by over three million people worldwide.
Lissa lives in the Gatineau Hills (Quebec, Canada) high in the trees with her cat Toiyabe, a laid-back Nevadan. She writes in her biweekly newsletter Ink & Earth Chronicles about living a creative life in her treehouse. She is thankful to write and be in relation with the river, the forests, and feathered ones as a guest on the unceded traditional lands of the Algonquin Anishinābeg people.